The Magic Book

The book that writes itself! Support/follow/pin-me to help me see my book published! Plz leave a comment on my blog and visit it often so we can meet and get to know there! Thanks...good vibes on your way!
14 Pins
Técnica, narración y estilo. Manuel Santos. Manuel Santos, profesor de fotografía, ofrece en esta obra el desarrollo completo del reto más difícil al que cualquier profesional de la fotografía se enfrenta, dado que se trata de un acontecimiento único e irrepetible, cargado de emoción y situaciones imprevistas. Para realizar este proyecto era necesario contar con la participación de los dos estudios de más prestigio internacional, para visualizar cada uno de los aspectos que el autor analiza e...
Exploding Sun Lamp Design
There are no limitations on how you can make this lamp. You can use a bigger sphere, more pmma optic wires, bigger size pmma optic wires, make your own unique shapes, etc.
Where stories live
#wattpad #science-fiction Maya a creature from future, a representative of our future selves, has channeled this book in 49 hours of writing! Time traveling, parallel universes, Lucid Dreaming, elves & fairies, magical kingdoms meet aliens who live in Hollow Earth... A book that activates the brain & DNA... A book which wi...
The book that writes itself - The Magic Book - fantasy mystery books
The book that writes itself! Visit my site and lets talk at my blog!
The book that writes itself - The Magic Book - fantasy mystery books
Come...let's find out #together your own #mission on this planet!
The book that writes itself - The Magic Book - fantasy mystery books
Let's travel together in all the #parallel #universes ! Meet me at
The book that writes itself - The Magic Book - fantasy mystery books
Meet me in this #great #fantasy the first to know about the #book that writes itself!
The book that writes itself - The Magic Book - fantasy mystery books
Maya and her #magic #book are on #crowdfunding on #indiegogo! #Time is running out! Will you support the book that writes itself?
The book that writes itself - The Magic Book - fantasy mystery books
The book that writes itself! Visit my site and lets talk at my blog!