Cognitive Rehabilitation

Cognitive rehabilitation refers to a wide range of evidence-based interventions designed to improve cognitive functioning in brain-injured or otherwise cognitively impaired individuals to restore normal functioning, or to compensate for cognitive deficits. Wikipedia
250 Pins
[ARTICLE] Effects of Cognitive Exercise Therapy on Upper Extremity Sensorimotor Function and Activities of Daily Living in Patients with Chronic Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial – Full Text
[WEB] Exercise Just Once a Month Can Boost Later Cognitive Function
[WEB] TechVillage’s VR game platform is based on metaverse for the prevention and rehabilitation of cognition disorders
[ARTICLE] Fatigue and Cognitive Fatigability in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury are Correlated with Altered Neural Activity during Vigilance Test Performance – Full Text
[ARTICLE] Fatigue and Cognitive Fatigability in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury are Correlated with Altered Neural Activity during Vigilance Test Performance - Full Text
[ARTICLE] Home-based (virtual) rehabilitation improves motor and cognitive function for stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial of the Elements (EDNA-22) system – Full Text
[ARTICLE] Home-based (virtual) rehabilitation improves motor and cognitive function for stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial of the Elements (EDNA-22) system - Full Text
[BLOG POST] What is Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Anyway? – Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
[BLOG POST] What is Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Anyway? - Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
[BLOG POST] What Your Brain Needs to Know About Nootropics
[BLOG POST] What Your Brain Needs to Know About Nootropics
[WEB] How Aerobic Exercise Could Benefit Cognitive Function: a Proof-of-Concept Study
[WEB] How Aerobic Exercise Could Benefit Cognitive Function: a Proof-of-Concept Study
[BLOG POST] Here you go – downloadable memory training/tests you can use over and over.
[BLOG POST] Here you go – downloadable memory training/tests you can use over and over.
[WEB] Improvement in motor, sensory, cognitive recovery of hand, arm function after stroke: Study
[WEB] Improvement in motor, sensory, cognitive recovery of hand, arm function after stroke: Study