Explore - The treasures of the Louvre palace and collections
The staircase of the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Arago medallion in The Louvre
Ανακαλύφθηκαν νέα εντυπωσιακά Ελληνικά μωσαϊκά στην Μ.Ασία - Κατάθλιψη στους Τούρκους
"Diane de Gabies" by the Greek sculptor Praxiteles, son of Cephisodotus the Elder, 4th century BC. Here, Artemis is wearing a chiton (long tunic) for hunting, and putting on a mantle. Its name comes from its discovery in the Roman city of Gabies.
"Vitória de Samotrácia", estátua do período helenístico, que demonstra toda a leveza da escultura grega. Deusa Grega Nike (Vitória), foi descoberta em 1863, nas ruínas do Santuário dos grandes Deuses de Samotrácia.
Alexander the Great | Αγάλματα, Αρχαία τέχνη, Άγαλμα
Alexander the Great:
Winged Victory (Nike) of Samothrace by Christopher Clements on 500px www.chrisnclements.com
Venus de Milo being evacuated from the Louvre before the German invasion WW2
Athena at Pergamon Museum Berlin Germany
Athena attacking the Giants. Detail Pergamon Altar, Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Germany. c. 175-150 bce. Marble.