Τρόπος ζωής

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Call us optimistic, but there is always a silver lining. Though not always easy, we believe positivity can be something we chose to have,…
American Audio Radius 3000 - SweetMusicMaker
There's a "happy" playlist, this is its counterpart The Angry Playlist! A good one- I would remove anything by Kanye West. Last thing I want to do is help that idiot make more money.
If you tell the truth, it becomes a part of your past. If you tell a lie, it becomes a part of your future.
Μην εξαρτάσαι από κανέναν κι από τίποτα. Από εμπειρία η ανάμνηση - Νίκος Καζαντζάκης
Σοφά, έξυπνα και αστεία λόγια online : Μην εξαρτάσαι από κανέναν κι από τίποτα. Από εμπει...
Νεα Ακροπολη - Σοφα Λογια: Σοφα Λογια για τη Ψυχη: Η μεγαλοψυχια και ο Σαιξπη...
Άσπα Τσαμαδή | AspaTsamadi.com
Σοφά λόγια του Einstein #ρητό #ρητά #einstein #aspatsamadi
1200 Motivational Quotes (Part 2) - The Ultimate Inspirational Life Quotes
Don’t think about the past, about what went wrong, about what could have went right. It’s all gone now. Just focus on making your present and future better.