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Pierre Paul Rubens (1577–1640) Study for a Male Figure descending, c. 1613/14. Victoria & Albert Museum.
Museo Nacional del Prado
“Heráclito, el filósofo que llora”, Pedro Pablo Rubens (Taller de)
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Peter Paul Rubens Philippe Rubens, the Artist's Brother. 1610/1611
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Pietrus Paulus RUBENS (Siegen, 1577 - Anvers, 1640) Saint Grégoire pape, entouré de saints et de saintes, vénérant l'image miraculeuse de la Vierge à l'Enfant, dite de Santa Maria in Vallicella 1606 - 1607 Huile sur toile 477 x 288 cm Envoi de l'Etat Dépôt au musée de Grenoble en 1811 Domaine public © Musée de Grenoble
25 novembre - S. Caterina d'Alessandria, vergine e martire
Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie, par Peter Paul Rubens
La Chasse au tigre — Wikipédia
Rubens- Chasse au tigre - 1617-18 - huile sur toile - 256 x 324 cm - Rennes, musée beaux-arts
fuck yeah art history
Peter Paul Rubens, Arrival ofMarie de’Medici at Marseilles, 1622–1625. Oil on canvas, 12111–2   9 7. Baroque. Louvre, Paris. Marie, the ruler, was glorified with allegories. She comes down from a ship after her trip to Italy. The soldier in front of her, who is welcoming her, is wearing a blue cloak with gold floral pattern. The pattern symbolizes French royalty. The naked people on the bottom and the upper part represent the sea and sky respectively rejoice at her arrival.(smarthistory)
The Birth of Jesus in Art: 20 Gorgeous Paintings of the Nativity, Magi, and Shepherds - Catholic Household
Adoration of the Magi by Peter Paul Rubens
Assumption of Virgin, 1616 - Peter Paul Rubens -
Peter Paul Rubens Paintings | Assumption of Virgin