Christmas crafts

50 Pins
Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Letter from Santa, Christmas Letter, Nice Certificate bundle, Christmas Printable #beige #red #christmasletter #nicecertificate #christmasprintable #letterfromsanta #christmas #xmascert
31 Likes, 1 Comments - Meredith Soto (@dandelion.pottery) on Instagram: “Slip trailing time! 30 down 100+ to go! #sliptrailing #surfacedecoration #christmasornament…”
Homemade Polymer Clay
Homemade Polymer Clay - My favorite is a polymer clay also known as cold porcelain. Its main ingredients are cornstarch and white PVA or Elmer's glue. I like it because it's smooth and a little bit elastic to work with and dries extremely hard. It's also relatively non-porous so it takes paint really well. And it doesn't degrade over time like baker's clay or salt clay does
35 Easy Christmas Food Craft Ideas & Crafts
Over 30 Easy Christmas Fun Food Ideas & Crafts Kids Can Make - great for parties or at home fun with the kids -
20 Wine Bottle Christmas Crafts To Go For A Festive Decor Blended With Some Upcycling – Cute DIY Projects
20 Wine Bottle Christmas Crafts To Go For A Festive Decor Blended With Some Upcycling