σκηνικά Θεάτρου

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dressing rooms theater
Have brides take poloroids (or something) and leave pictures on the wall/mirror/etc to show all the other people that have gotten married there
Medea- Schauspiel Frankfurt: This picture represents the view of how insignificantly women were viewed in Nawal's home village.
Thousand faces cosmic ballet//
A new international theater festival in Calabasas
Ofer Amram's "Tale of a Lonely Man" - California Theatre Festival
Certezas Cervantinas - Teatromexicano
Certezas Cervantinas | Teatromexicano
Vraag 15. Ik heb zelf wel is toneel gespeeld, ik stukken die zelf gemaakt waren door de docenten van mn oude toneelschool. Ik zou later niet nog in een toneelstuk willen spelen omdat ik het niet zo leuk vind om zelf te doen maar wel om naar te kijken.
Swipebox | A touchable jQuery lightbox
Metamorphosis, scenic design by Philip Engleheart. This scene has a lot of to with line. It looks confusing and jumbled because of the different lines being projected on the white background with the legs of the chairs and the lines on the floor. It is a ver interesting scenic design.