Ρολο χαρτί υγείας

111 Pins
DIY Spring Birds from toilet rolls!⁠
When all is gray and cold, colourful tweetybirds will brighten your day. Toilet paper rolls are a fantastic, simple craft base, and best of all: you already have them at home. Get in the habit of saving toilet paper rolls so that you always have a base to start from. Here, we turned them into beautiful birds using a bit of paint and Allround Markers. Paint and decorate the birds from your imagination!
DIY Mini Christmas Tree 🌲✨ Easy & Cute Holiday Craft
Create your own adorable mini Christmas tree with this simple DIY craft! Perfect for decorating small spaces or gifting to loved ones. 🎄🎁 Easy materials, fun to make, and perfect for adding some festive cheer to any corner. 🌟 #MiniChristmasTree #DIYChristmas #HolidayCrafts #ChristmasDecor #FestiveFun #ChristmasDIY #HandmadeDecor
The best selfmade-Ibiza style crafts wrapping christmas ideas inspiration natural ibizastyle 2023
Easy way to make your own christmas deco for the holydays | christmasgiftwrapideas christmasaesthetic | ibiza home stylechristmasdiy christmas2223 |christmasdecorations | bohohome diydecor | diyinspirationforchristmas chrismastreedecorationschristmistreedecorating xmastree | diyhomedecor | cozyaesthetic | feltcraft garland | christmasornamentsdiy christmasornamentshomemode handmadechristmasornaments giftwrappinginspiration giftwrappingideasforchrstmas christmastablesetting by fraeullein_jasmin
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