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Birthday girl promises to say sober
Birthday Card - Birthday Girl Promises To Say Sober
Birthday Definition Card
Not that you need an excuse for cake - but if the dictionary says so... Inside…
Older Bolder Birthday Card | Funny Inspirational Feminist Birthday Card
Older Bolder Birthday Card | Funny Inspirational Feminist Birthday Card
30 Funny Birthday Wishes for your Wife’s Special Day
Happy Birthday! Like fine wine we get better with age... or rather, we feel better about our age with lots of wine!
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Birthdays depress the shit outta me. And its not cause "Im getting old" I dont mind that part - I rather be where I am now than 10 years ago....mentally. Today is my New Year and today I look back and think about what I've done and what's next etc. Usally Im depressed cause of the unknown like what am I gonna do this year that's gonna make me better. Funny thing is I didnt wait til now to think about it. I've been preparing myself the last 6 months. This time Im excited for what's to come
25 Funny Quotes About Getting Older That Prove Aging Is A GOOD Thing
"Live your life and forget your age." —​ Unknown #happybirthday #memes #quotes #quotesaboutgettingolder #aging Follow us on Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/yourtango
10 Best Friend Quotes To Get Your Squad Pumped Up For Summer
Looking forward to spending good times with Family & Friends at the cottage this summer...beach days, BBQ’s...making beautiful memories! I LOVE our home! ♥️
MOMENTS: by c h a r l e s on Steller
some moments are gold it's only a feeling Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky and over the rainbows and rivers I flew until an echo became clear "I am the captain of my soul"
Αρχική - Τι λες τώρα;
Το Θιβετιανό τεστ με τις τρεις ερωτήσεις θα αποκαλύψει πολλά για το ποιος είστε…
Το χαλί που το πατούσαν όλοι: Ένα υπέροχο παραμύθι για τα προσωπικά όρια
Το χαλί που το πατούσαν όλοι: Ένα υπέροχο παραμύθι για τα προσωπικά όρια
Word of the Day - summerize | Dictionary.com
Dictionary.com’s Word of the Day - summerize - to prepare (a house, car, etc.) so as to counteract the hot weather of summer: to summerize a house by adding air conditioning.