teaching chemistry

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Soap vs. Shampoo Surfactant Lab - Activity
Students learn about the properties of solutions—such as ion interactions, surface tension and viscosity—as they make their own soap and shampoo and then compare their properties. Working as if they are chemical engineers, they explore and compare how the two surfactants behave in tap water, as well as classroom-prepared acidic water, hard water and seawater using four tests: a “shake test” (assessing the amount of bubbles produced), a surface tension test, a viscosity test, and a pH test.
Free Download! Get Your Claim Evidence Reasoning Poster - Activate Learning
Download a CER poster for your classroom! More
Lab Muffin Beauty Science | The science of beauty, explained simply
Make Your Own Soap! Part 1: The Chemistry Behind Soap Making - Lab Muffin
Soap Making
My first year teaching chemistry, I was looking for a soap-making lab or activity that I could run in my chemistry class with 25-30 students working at the same time. I usually do this activity right before spring break, as it provides enough time for the soap to harden and cure (high school students are impatient to use their soaps right away, which you should not do with
How to Build Escape Room Challenges
How you can build escape rooms as learning activities for kids and young adults! Did you know you can really teach ANY skills with an escape room? This post shares info on how you can create your own activities and puzzles to help your students learn.