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SOLD – Rust, Sculpture, 2017 – Stephanie Kilgast – Contemporary Sculptures & Art
Rust, Sculpture, 2017, Artwork by Stéphanie Kilgast
What the Earth Gives, and What It Inspires (Published 2011)
What the Earth Gives, and What It Inspires - NYTimes.com
«Newest addition to the #HosnerCollection from artist Jaime Molina ( @cuttyup ) - be sure to give him a follow. #jaimemolina #cuttyup #handmade #art…»
Jaime Molina's Art Exists in a World All its Own
Jaime Molina's Art Exists in a World All its Own. . “I'm not sure how my created world evolved the way it has,” Molina tells the Creators Project. "I try and put as much of myself in my work so maybe it translates into the characters I make and paint... I work intuitively so it's hard for me to articulate why everything is how it is. It's just what makes sense to me."
Kimmy Cantrell Inspired Masks.
Ms. Eaton's Phileonia Artonian: Kimmy Cantrell Inspired Masks.
Gabon Mask - Aduma This Aduma mask is 17 1/2" long with traces of white pigment. There is also a native repair to the mask which has been stiched with a cane or fibrous material.
Africa | Mask from the Tsogho people of Gabon | Wood, dark brown patina with traces of red paint and camwood powder || The sculptural style of the Tsogho is similar to that of the Fang, yet the faces of their masks and figures are characterized by a distinct emphasis on the eyebrows which then often form a double semi-circle.
Animal Mask | Yup'ik (?) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Animal Mask Date: 19th–20th century Geography: United States, Alaska Culture: Yup'ik. Medium: Wood
mascaras y esculturas rostro on Pinterest | Masks, Ivory Coast and ... - Makeup Killer
mascaras y esculturas rostro on Pinterest | Masks, Ivory Coast and ... #makeup #lipgloss #makeupbrands #makeuppalettes #mascara #eyeshadowpalette #makeupset #makeupbrushes #trend #fashion