Love is..

86 Pins
Is this safe?! by Picolo-kun on DeviantArt
Is this safe?! by Picolo-kun. If you're new to these characters, they are inspired on Icarus who tried to fly close to the sun with wings made of wax (my Icarus is entirely made of wax instead).
Happy Valentine's by Picolo-kun on DeviantArt
Happy Valentine's by Picolo-kun on DeviantArt
Tied into you by Picolo-kun on DeviantArt
Tied into you by Picolo-kun on DeviantArt
Names by Picolo-kun on DeviantArt
Names by Picolo-kun on DeviantArt
This is deep
We were a perfect match, maybe that's why we burnt out. This is deep.
Someone to melt for by Picolo-kun on DeviantArt
Someone to melt for by on @DeviantArt