
45 Pins
Ice Cream Addition Activity for Preschoolers
This activity will get children excited to practice their addition again and again! Let them take your order and prepare the ice cream according to the order form. Add up the number of purple scoops and green scoops and write the total number down on the board. Find more delightful ice cream activities on Happy Tot Shelf blog.
Μαθαίνω να γράφω κείμενα. Μια διδακτική πρόταση παραγωγής γραπτού λόγου για τις μικρές τάξεις του δημοτικού (με οδηγίες).(https://blogs.sch.gr/sfaira-sti-deutera/)(http://blogs.sch.gr/goma/) (http://blogs.sch.gr/epapadi/)
(2016-12) 5-8 https://www.amazon.com/Kingseye-Painting-Education-Cognitive-Colouring/dp/B075C4SD9N
Werkbladen rekenen - kriebelbeestjes
Werkbladen rekenen - kriebelbeestjes ~ Juf Milou
Crafts,Actvities and Worksheets for Preschool,Toddler and Kindergarten
crown number count worksheet | Crafts and Worksheets for Preschool,Toddler and Kindergarten
Passion - Sexy Personals for Passionate Singles
Touch & feel counting cards, a fun multi sensory learning tool to make yourself!
Tarjetas numéricas
¡Hola de nuevo! Espero que estas vacaciones estén dando para descansar y disfrutar. Para animar un poco estas últimas semanas de vacaciones...