Healthy Eating

167 Pins
Recipe Substitutes - 100+ Food Replacements - The Gardening Cook
Staying fit and healthy shouldn’t be about making sacrifices. It should be about making substitutes. You can make a conscious decision on what to eat by incorporating delicious foods that help your body perform better and keep the extra pounds off.
Introduction to Ketogenic Diet - A Simple Intro to Ketosis & Ketones
Introduction to Ketogenic Diet Discover what Ketosis & Ketones are all about, how to get in the shape of your life and burn fat with a low carb keto lifestyle. #LCHF #lowcarbalpha
Veggie Tots 4 Ways | Recipes
Veggie Tots 4 Ways, I have tried these, they are delicious.
10 Healthy Choices You Should Make [healthy living] - Picklee
Great Replacement Ideas #healthy #cleaneating
Avokadas su juodaisiais pipirais - Daržovių patiekalai | Neringos blogas
Avocado w/ Black Pepper, Olive Oil, Soy Sauce, and Lemon Juice.......leave in the fridge over night, eat the next day, the best!
Τα 15 πιο «καθαρά» τρόφιμα χωρίς φυτοφάρμακα |
Αδύνατη για πάντα: Ενέργεια, ομορφιά και αδυνάτισμα με αυτά τα 9 λαχανικά
Αδύνατη για πάντα: Ενέργεια, ομορφιά και αδυνάτισμα με αυτά τα 9 λαχανικά
Food & Family Magazine
Use a French Press to Make Almond Milk by neverhomemaker: So much better than messy cheesecloth squeezing and single purpose nut milk bags. (But avoid grinding the almonds too fine or the filter on the press will become clogged.) #Almond_Milk #French_Press