Delish n' tasty videos

190 Pins
Jaffa Cake loaf cake
Fans of Jaffa Cakes are going to love this giant version, in the form of a loaf cake. Make sure to use good quality no-peel Seville orange marmalade to really get the strong flavour. #dessertrecipes #cakerecipes #chocolaterecipes #jaffacakes
Petits gâteaux au chocolat et noisettes torréfiées
Le goûter pointe le bout de son nez, alors prépare ces petits gâteaux au chocolat et aux noisettes !
Mal was ganz anderes: Pizza aus Kartoffelbrei!
Dieses Rezept ist die perfekte Kombination aus deftig und zart, aus feurig und elegant sowie aus simpel und raffiniert. Genau das Richtige für einen deutsch-italienischen Abend. #kartoffelpizza #kartoffel #pizza #rezept #rezepte
24M views · 160K reactions | Broccoli Ham & Cheddar Chicken Roll | What else should we make into a delicious roll 🤔... Check out our FAVORITE gifts for your kitchen HERE: (PSSSSST...we make $$$... | By Tasty | Facebook
Broccoli Ham & Cheddar Chicken Roll
5.6M views · 10K reactions | Perfect Fluffy Pancake | These cake-like pancakes are beautiful 😍! | By Tasty | Facebook
84M views · 431K reactions | Banana "Ice Cream" 4 Ways | Have a lighter treat with Banana "Ice Cream" 4 Ways 🍌 🍦 ❤️ ! FULL RECIPES: | By Goodful | Facebook
Banana "Ice Cream" 4 Ways, Easily customizable to make vegan and nurtritarian