Autocad tutorial

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This contains an image of: How to make snake pattern in illustrator (the easy way) #illustratortutorial #logodesigner #viral
How to make snake pattern in illustrator (the easy way) #illustratortutorial #logodesigner #viral
This may contain: an image of some type of text on a black and white background with the words clipping
useful shortcuts to Adobe Illustrator
by @creativelinespace subscribe to our news letter for more tips and tricks
This may contain: the text reads don't smoothen your paths like this in illustrator
Use this super super awesome smooth tooling Illustrator.
just select the tool and drag and click on path untill you get desired results ( you get in in 2-3 clicks easily) #aitips #aitipsandtools #aitutorial #illustratortutorial #shallunarula #learnillustrator #illustratorteacher #adobeillustrator
This may contain: the image is being edited in photoshopped to make it look like an abstract pattern
Illustrator Tip: Delete Anchor Points While Maintaining Shape ✨
1. Select your path. Use the Selection Tool (V). 2. Activate the Delete Anchor Point Tool ( - ). You can also find it in the toolbar. 3. Hold Shift while clicking on unwanted anchor points. This tells Illustrator to attempt maintaining the original curve by adjusting the handles of the remaining points. Tip: Be mindful! This method works best for removing points on smooth curves. Deleting points on sharp corners might require additional adjustments using the Anchor Point Tool (Shift + C). Remember: Practice makes perfect! Experiment and see how this technique helps you achieve cleaner, smoother vector shapes in illustrator.
Pen Sketch Effect in Photoshop
Instagram: YouTube : Music track: 'Dystopia' by Neutrin05 is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: