WFT Fun Facts
WTF-fun-facts : who knew?! You're going to try it now aren't you? !
The ocean looks blue because water absorbs...
The ocean looks blue because water absorbs longer-wavelength colors of light more strongly than it does blue. When the sun’s white light enters the ocean, red/orange/yellow light dissipates quickly, and mostly blues remain. That’s why divers stop...
Humans of Tumblr
We don’t have any real pictures of the Milky Way galaxy. Most non-illustrated images of the entire Milky Way spiral are actually of another spiral galaxy called Messier 74. It’s impossible to take a full photo of the Milky Way’s spiral structure...
smurfette that is what i use to call my crush and he is a guy but he always wore blue he has blue eyes and blonde hair so yea
Interesting things to know - FunSubstance
I just tried humming with my nose plugged and I sounded like a sea lion pooping.
WTF Fun Facts
Magenta isn’t a real color - WTF fun facts