I Dreάm α Wόrld

I dream a world where man No other man will scorn Where love will bless the earth And peace its paths adorn. I dream a world where all Will know sweet freedom's way Where greed no longer saps the soul Nor avarice blights our day A world I dream where black or white Whatever race you be Will share the bounties of the earth And every man is free, Where wretchedness will hang its head And joy, like a pearl Attends the needs of all mankind Of such I dream, my world! Langton Hughes
36 Pins
Endless Summer, Chiliadou beach, Greece (7/10/12) taken by Despina Mon.
#threehouse - Instagram photos and videos | WEBSTAGRAM
Bergen, Norway taken by sidamb
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Home is where your heart is.
Alexandre Avranches Archive - Master Design Abroad - page 3
Prague by Alexandre Avranches
A Kildare farm. Ireland Image by annecoyle / instagram