Polymer Clay e.t.c. 1

502 Pins
DIY Tutorial - Kaleidoscope cane from leftover polymer clay canes - Free tutorial
Ronit Golan - Polymer Clay Joy - Inspire to Create: DIY Tutorial - Kaleidoscope cane from leftover polymer clay canes
Xoilac TV | Trực tiếp bóng đá 4K miễn phí - Xôi Lạc trực tuyến
Mike Buessler. Unfortunately he doesn't clay anymore. Fortunately, I was able to take a few classes from him. I believe you can still purchase video tapes by him....one on landscape canes, and one on mica shift techniques
La cane Iris
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "tuto cane fimo débutant"
Tutorial -Making my 'ugly' molds for my Rustic Nature Polymer Clay Pendants
I have had a number of inquiries into my methods of making my deep molds for my Rustic Nature Polymer Clay Pendants. First, I will admit th...
Видео мастер-класс: создаем полосатый браслет из полимерной глины с использованием экструдера: Мастер-Классы в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
Видео мастер-класс: создаем полосатый браслет из полимерной глины с использованием экструдера | Ярмарка Мастеров - ручная работа, handmade
Tree Bark Tutorial. Faux Wood from Polymer Clay
I used fimo polymer clay and acrylic paint (white, ochre, green) and tools. (anything you have, toothpicks will work just fine) No clue where I am going with this, so stay tuned, I guess, or not. Whatever you want :) ­___ ↠ Miniatures! Art Jewelry! Pocket. Tutorial, Clay, Polymer, Tree, Tuto,
Entre le hidden magic et le mokumé bucheron de Chifonie - Parole de pâte
polymer clay - check this out. Beautiful beads.
Demonstration: Unraveled beads
roll large screw on clay to impress a striped pattern
Karpfenschuppen #2
Technique has many possibilites; Here is a pretty flower cane tutorial
Лепим этно-кулон из полимерной глины: Мастер-Классы в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
Лепим кулон из полимерной глины / Polymer clay pendant tutorial