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Street-Shade in Madrid
10/ The Golden Rebars Awards 8/ The Camp
By far the most colorful and elegant camp, Sacred Spaces Village-Ascension Gateway Camp receives the highly coveted Golden Rebar for Best Camp 2103.
Envision Festival | Uvita
Boom festival 2012, Portugal. Stage by the Do Lab: http://psytraveller.net/boom-festival/
PINTEREST: The Trendy Individual Festival | Costume | Women | Photography | Fashion | Men | Girls | Sculpture | Celebrities
Looking at the big lanterns here, think they look cool especially alongside the draping- look easy and flatpack, and imagine with some nice indiany fabric
Festival decor http://www.instructables.com/id/No-Sew-Spandex-Tensile-Shade-Structure/?ALLSTEPS
Pierre Ekman - Ozora 2011 Part 1 - LIBERTY INFINITY
291921 10150258252932007 528287006 8084082 1530292 n Pierre Ekman Ozora 2011 Part 1 LIBERTY INFINITY