кастомайзинг ( переделка одежды)/ refashion.

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18 Adorable Ways To DIY Your Jean Shorts This Summer - Gurl.com
I have an issue with throwing things out, especially clothes. When I go through my (extremely messy) closet and find something I haven’t worn in years, the logical solution would be to donate it or give it away to a friend. And yet, I always think I can transform it into some brand-new, one-of-a kind piece of clothing that looks like I bought it at some boutique. It honestly baffles me that people spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of shorts just because they have some cute design on them.
calça jeans com renda na frente
Te cansaste de tus viejos jeans porque son aburridos y encima te quedan largos? #Decoralos y #reciclalos con un poco de encaje
Разное | Постила
Блузка из рубашки (Diy) / Рубашки / Своими руками - выкройки, переделка одежды, декор интерьера своими руками - от ВТОРАЯ УЛИЦА
Вторая улица. ПЕРЕДЕЛКИ.
Как научиться шить одежду. Переделка свитшота в нарядный кардиган
Из простой майки шьем модную
This item is unavailable - Etsy
reverse applique. I need to try this. Maybe something for Emma.
Интересный крой
Linda blusa 3 patrones / simple / SECOND STREET
Finally a DIY "T-shirt turned tank" idea that won't show bra straps.Works best to do it with t-shirts that have a crew neck, super easy.