
9 Pins
Memoirs of a Geisha & EDM # 217 Umbrella (Apr 2009)
Extremely abstract and loose watercolour but still a striking Japanese style figure. I love how the colours blend and the face is almost faded out.
Original Peacock Oil Painting Textured Palette Knife Contemporary Modern Animal Art Impressionism by Karen Tarlton - Etsy
Original Peacock Oil Painting Textured Palette knife by Karensfineart
Oops, You Found the Unfound! | abdz
Dem lines... :: Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #1510
geocide.deviantart.com Goddamned genius,right here.I call this one "Green-Eyed VeryClose",because of her piercing eye shown,as well as the varicosity(?) of the story and trails the slashing lines tell...Beautiful and telling,as all great art is..DIG IT!!
drawing idea, with a corrupt, damaged, war-ridden city behind it. "Behind the lense" Could also do with camera and Photoshop instead of glasses