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The Pleiades ~ Birthdays May 19 To 21
The Pleiades -
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Pleiades On May 20, 2012, for the first time in 26,000 years, the Sun and Moon, and the constellation ancients thought responsible for our spiritual evolution and ascension, the mystic Pleiades (7 Sisters), will align in a spectacular, full Annular Solar Eclipse and a rare solar eclipse alignment will happen between the Earth, the Sun and, our central Sun, Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation…”
A Comet and a Cluster
A Comet and a Cluster. This beautiful image shows the comet Lovejoy as it moves past the Pleiades Cluster. While the Pleiades Star Cluster has been studied for thousands of years, the comet Lovejoy was only discovered in August of 2014 by the amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy. Terry’s passion for astronomy lead him to discover the first comet from ground-based observation in over 40 years.Credit: Lovejoy
If planets were as close as our moon
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Astronomy Is Awesome
Nebula Images: Astronomy articles:... Nebula Images: Astronomy articles: nebula nebulae astronomy space nasa hubble hubble telescope kepler kepler telescope science apod ga
Blue Stars Ring Nucleus of Galaxy AM 0644-741- Resembling a diamond-encrusted…
This Is A Map Of The Entire Universe, Squeezed Into One Mind-Boggling Image
This is a spherical image of the entire universe, including our Solar System at the center, the outer planets, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, Alpha Cetauri star, and the cosmic web along with the Milky Way, Andromeda, and other nearby galaxies.
Constellations Vector Set by skyboxcreative #Illustration #Constellation