
Double Layered Braided Cowl | Free Crochet Pattern with Video Tutorial | Guest Contributor Post on My Hobby is Crochet Blog
My version of the double layer braided cowl by Crochet Dreamz. Found here http://www.myhobbyiscrochet.com/2016/01/double-layered-braided-cowl-free.html?m=1
Saxon pattern by Jennifer Lee
Free Pattern: Saxon by Victoria Magnus. I bet I could make i-cords on my little French knitting doll and then braid them into something like this. Even a scarf??
Iquitos Flat i-Cord Scarfby Laura Cunitz - this pattern is... (Mingky Tinky Tiger + the Biddle Diddle Dee)
Iquitos Flat i-Cord Scarfby Laura Cunitz - this pattern is...
Scale Down a Scarf for an Elegant Bracelet | Interweave
Scale down a crochet scarf to make a crochet bracelet. This is a really cute crochet project idea! I love the colors in this crochet jewelry project.
Enjoy this week's Crochet Finds on Pattern Paradise
Braided Cowl - Free Crochet Pattern
Explication tuto de l'écharpe renard enfant
explication tuto de l'écharpe renard enfant : la célèbre écharpe que les enfants aiment et les mamans adorent, vous trouverez toutes les explications
Explication tuto de l'écharpe renard enfant
Explication tuto de l'écharpe renard enfant - La Grenouille Tricote