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I know life is unfair but this is fucking ridiculous
Saying Quotes: I know life is unfair but this is fucking ridiculous
Every single fight in your life has had a positive outcome. Every dark place has made you who you are. You couldn't see that in the dark times but afterwards it all made sense. Keep going. God has a plan for you.
Books Archives | Sugar and Soul
The Blissful Bookworms is a virtual book club that works around your schedule! Stop by and vote for January's book and join our Facebook group!
Be a Lady Wall Quotes™ Decal
To "be a Lady" takes great strength, courage and always being on your toes . . .
100+ Inspiring Quotes When You Need Some Life Motivation
THIS IS MY LIFE MOTTO! Omgosh, I thought I was the only one! Oooh, I'm so happy other people like this exist!
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being brave does not mean you are not scared, being brave means you are scared, really scared, badly scared and you do the right thing anyway - Neil Gaiman, Coraline
22 Quotes About True Wisdom - LifeHack
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
30 Helpful Life Quotes - Pretty Designs
Life Quotes // Enjoy live