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"No you didn't get me! It's an electric drill, you get me you kill me!" Do you hear it in Chandlers voice?! HAHA!
Girl Power Quotes from Funny Women
"I stay fat because it just wouldn't be fair to all the thin people if I were this good-looking, intelligent, funny, and thin. It's a public service really."Pitch Perfect (and soon Pitch Perfect 2) break-out star Rebel Wilson is loud, proud, and completely hilarious. Her commitment to unabashedly being herself is truly inspirational. She's the poster child for healthy self-love.
Οι αλήθειες της Μεγάλης Εβδομάδας και του Πάσχα
Marshall: "Train me, Red bird. Teach me speed." Red bird: "No. I retired long ago." Marshall: Darn. I really wanted to slap Barney Stinson." Red bird: "This is to slap Barney Stinson? Yeah. Ok. I'll totally teach you."
34 Funny Quotes You Just Have To Read | The Funny Beaver
hahhaaaaa this is so meeee .. this is probably my friend too, I think instead of getting abs he should focus on the spiritual side more. Yes abs are nice, but spirituality is wayyyyy more important
Morning Funny Picture Dump 25 Pics
Morning Funny Picture Dump 25 Pics