
3,563 отметок «Нравится», 117 комментариев — Wella Professionals (@wellahair) в Instagram: «#NewYear calls for NEW colors and we're giving you just that with the Le Beige Collection, the…»
3D Круглая Коса из 4 прядей/Причёски на каждый день в школу за 5 минут для средних/длинных волос
3D коса
Guy Tang on Instagram: “Base with igora 6-32 6-23 30vol off scalp. Spray with prelift kera protector and dry into hair. lift with Lanza decolorizer cream 40vol and tone with loreal dialight 9.12 and 10.12 20mins. Thanks for watching on #periscope for the process”
Koleston perfect special blonde 35g 12/07+ 35g 12/61+20g 12/81+ 12% global color 35-40 minutes without heat! #wellaeducation #wellahair #wellalife
Bunn: Illumina 8/38+9/43 like deler 4% Lengder: Illumina 9/43+10/05 dobbelt 1,9% Striper med instamatic Pink dream
В поисках серебра | Косметиста
Wella Color Touch «7/89 — medium pearl cendre blonde
Grayish brown I love this color, so cool I used 20g 10/8 + 1g 2/0 + 8g 0/11 + 8g 0/81 + 2g 0/66 pastel developer for 15 min ☺️ I also used 1/8 #olaplexnorge ✌️ #wellamastercolorexpert #wellahair #wellalife
illumina hair color shades
illumina hair color shades - Google Search