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Construction-Themed Birthday Party Ideas - Fab Everyday
Construction vehicle cake for a construction-themed birthday party. See more photos, décor and DIY project details from this party at www.fabeveryday.com.
Bake cupcakes, frost, roll in cookie crumbles, add toy trucks. Arrange as you desire. Great for a tractor or construction themed party!
DIY Boy's Birthday Cake-Construction Party
Easy, DIY boy's birthday cake with diggers. Perfect cake idea for a construction party. Super cheap and easy to make too!
Image result for construction themed cakes
Such a FUN cake. Construction cake for a little boy who LOVES diggers. He loved the cake and wanted to play with it as soon as he saw it. This is why I make cakes : )
Save the Bees!
Save the bees clothespins, These would be cute to attach things to her project!