δημιουργίες με πηλό

Fairy House Night Lights & Faerie Garden
Cindi Hardwicke: Fairy House Night Lights & Faerie Garden
Viva Terra
Stone Critter Cottage by Carruth Studio
Jolly Gnome Home for the Garden
Jolly Gnome Home for the Garden by ClaySoul on Etsy, $125.00
Ceramic Fairy Houses Lesson (Part One-Slab Construction)
It would be great to make a few of these and have them in a group in the garden- wait for the children to find them. If they were left unglazed they would age well outside and look old, or perhaps do an oxide wash over them.
#lampada traforata a forma di #casetta by @Marta Draper Draper
Homepage - Wholesale Fairy Gardens
Fairy tree house with ladder