
12 Pins
Agates Found Today: Agates are an additional find when looking for sea glass in this area of Washington, USA. I know that in Oregon and also other places, Im sure, there
Red & Pink Ruby Raw Crystal Gemstones
Red & Pink Ruby Raw Crystal Gemstones
Identifying Raw And Rough Gemstones | Know your Ruby
Ruby gemstone meaning
The ruby is considered to be the most powerful gem in the universe, and is associated with many astral signs. To own a ruby is said to have contentment and peace. Placed under a pillow the ruby may ward off bad dreams. Ruby rings should be worn on the left hand so as to receive the life force and have protection. Given as a gift, the ruby is a symbol of friendship and love. The ruby is also the symbol of vitality and royalty.
Chakra stones. Great visual guide. Not a fan of the, or any faceted gems/crystals.... too "perfect". No personality.
Faceting Cabbing Rough Gemstones
Identifying Raw And Rough Gemstones | These are Diamonds raw and uncut... 2.04 carats