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Which Funnel Do You Want?
"No, Jason!" I said. "The book isn't for sale and it won't ever be. So stop asking about it." I was fed up. Why was this guy so interested to buy my book? Especially since it was the last printed one in the bookstores. It was so old that the pages were yellowed on the edges. It was special to me.
25 Times Emma Watson Killed It In 2014
Emma Watson - The face of feminism. Ever since that powerful UN speech, Emma Watson has become the 'face of feminism', who advocates for gender equality through the campaign 'He for She'. This young women has recognised that the definition of 'feminism' is vastly different to what people believe 'feminism' to mean now.
Im Emma, a daughter of Demeter, blessed by Hades. I can shadowtravel and raise plants. Im 18, and have been here at camp for 7 years. My weapon is a studded whip and my shield. I guess im pure.
Emma Watson
Emma Watson. ❥the eye make up