special edu stuff

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kids decorate their chore chart, hopefully making it more fun to finish those chores!
Disney.com | The official home for all things Disney
Split a deck of cards. Children flip up a card. The crock eats the lesser one and the greater one goes in your winnings pile.
Finger Print ID
First, let every student make a fingerprint onto white paper. Next, blow up their fingerprints using the photocopier (8×10 or larger). Then, Have your kids write words and phrases about themselves along the lines and whorls of their fingerprints, and sign. Could be an introduction to writing an autobiography?
www.heartschool.gr Η αισιοδοξία είναι σημαντικό εργαλείο για ένα παιδί. Ας του το υπενθυμίζουμε με το παράδειγμά μας...
Ngày mai rồi cũng sẽ đến
You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering. ~E. Hemingway
Paper Fortune Tellers – social skills games for children with ASD’s (and other children too)
This is one of six paper "fortune tellers" on various social skills themes.
Cardigans and Curriculum
This small Tupperware container is perfect so the students can still "roll" dice and I don't hear a sound or lose dice!