This is a Fashion Doll of Princess at age 13 to 15 in a beautiful coral pink gown.  She is 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide at her hem.  with a 15 inch waist she is the top of Tudor Fashion. The doll, her stand and every part of her even the wig are handmade to recreate the Nobility and Romance of the 1550's. Golden dragon flies adorn her sleeves and underskirt.  A to scale peacock fan hangs from her waist.   Stockings, chemises, corset, hoop, petite coat, skirt, gown, fore sleeves and french hood, wig  with girdle and jewelry to match. This is a one of a kind Doll.      The first in a series that will only number 10. Pink Medieval Dress, Peacock Fan, Tudor Gown, Era Victoria, Istoria Modei, Tudor Dress, Tudor Fashion, Tudor Costumes, Old Fashion Dresses