sweet home

109 Pins
Contemporary Playroom with Graphic Accent Wall - Contemporary - Girl's Room
Colorful contemporary playroom features a modern play table seating a blue Panton Junior Chair and molded plastic play chair in front of a graphic geometric print accent wall.
North Carolina Tiny House with Underfloor Storage – Every Moment Tiny House
Every Moment Tiny House – Tiny House Swoon
Cross stitch covered walls by Raquel Rodrigo - ArtisticMoods.com
Imagine leaving your home in the morning and discovering that your entire wall is covered in floral cross stitching. That would soooo make my day!
Gadget Flow - The Original Product Discovery Platform
Give your home a majestic appearance with these 3D self-adhesive wall stickers. These stickers come with an insulated soundproof design that will give your home the privacy it deserves. The self-adhesive design offers easy installation and has an awesome 3D brick pattern to bring that natural effect. The waterproof material will ensure they stay safe from everyday wear and tear. These wallpapers are available in a number of beautiful colors you can choose from. Use them to enhance the decor o...
5 façons d’aménager une petite surface - Elle Décoration
Un studio de 29 m² / A studio apparment of 29m² : http://www.maison-deco.com/petites-surfaces/amenagement-petites-surfaces/Un-studio-de-29-m2