positive mind

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I'll stop supporting the right to abortion when there are no more abandoned, motherless children in the world. Let's take a moment and realize that some people are NOT cut out to be parents.
Eu sei que muitas vezes queremos uma foto para um fundo de tela de ce… #diversos # Diversos # amreading # books # wattpad
Gabe Tomoiaga
A route less traveled... <button class="Button Module borderless hasText vaseButton" type="button"> <span class="buttonText"> More </span> </button>
Dominique Isserman, Human life - The Eye of Photography Magazine
Photography is a leap that transforms time into space. A blink of an eye that endures, with no limit or boundary; you are on another planet, right here, in the reign of freedom.
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In manchen Momenten unseres Leben, erscheinen die Möglichkeiten unbegrenzt & der Himmel so nah... (j.s.)
The time of not making waves is over, of playing small and not wanting to have attention drawn where we feel it isn’t deserving. It IS deserving. YOU ARE DESERVING. ~ Ara
I'm 20 And Free: 6 Misconceptions About Independent People
o00o00o00o: hiddenlegends: . مساء الخير لكل طير أستأثر به قفص حتى بات خروجه منه هلاكه.كنار الأثير *