funny quotes of fitness and diet

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Snow Rabbit|雪うさぎ
katfigurepro thecrystalsuit monacosun ufe ufenation ufeshows fitnessstar fitnessstarinternational fitnessstarmodelsearch idfa idfa2015 idfatransformationchallenge teamidfa idfaathlete idfamania idfastore iloveidfa competitor athlete fitness finessmodel fitnesscompetitor figure figurecompetitor physique physiquecompetitor bodybuilding naturalbodybuilding gains shredz opa aroundtheopa
Prozis – Official Store | Exceed Yourself!
hahahahahahahah *wipes tear* sorry but this...
unless you're my best friend but I think they dont want to tt me so I stay to myself :(
When people don't put them in the right place