Paint a Cartoon Piano
This project is to turn a drab old piano into a piece of art that reflects both a happier environment and its surroundings...a school. I painted this piano to sit in the lobby of a local middle school so that both kids and adults would be greeted by something the other school didn't have and so that kids could play on it as they wish. The project took about 5 days working 6-7 hours each of the days. (Like watching paint dry....literally) the majority of the time was just that. Watching paint...
あまりにも個性が出過ぎている世界のホテルいろいろ - GIGAZINE
Childrens Chair, Single Chair, Toddler, Cartoon Sketched, Comic Book, Graphic Novel, - Etsy
Childrens Chair Single Chair Toddler Cartoon Sketched - Etsy