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Male Body – Anatomy Study by Andor Kollar - zbrushtuts
Male Body - Anatomy Study by Andor Kollar ANDOR KOLLAR is a Senior Character Artist from Budapest, H
Musings on scapular winging: Anatomy (muscular and nerve), causes, and exercise considerations
Shoulder scapular motions = serratus anterior muscle.
Page from the Andrew Loomis book Figure Drawing For All It's Worth My Blog:
Various Studies34 by FUNKYMONKEY1945 on DeviantArt
Various Studies34 by FUNKYMONKEY1945 on DeviantArt
Under Review | Patreon
Tutorial 151 - Pelvis-Torso Relationship. Here's a simple visual showing a few basic relationships between the simplified masses of the pelvis and torso. From profile, we can see that if simplified into cuboids, the pelvis tilts forwards and the torso tilts backwards. These angles vary from person to person, sometimes drastically. From the front, starting at the space between the two masses, the moving vertically up the torso, the shape tapers out to the maximum width and then tapers...