Advice & tips for photo shoot

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Бестеневая съёмка -
На написание данной статьи сподвиг вопрос на форуме стокеров. И этот вопрос похоже извечный: как получить абсолютно белый фон без использования Фотошопа? Варианты есть. Кратко они описаны в статье про съёмку на белом фоне. Казалось бы, что предмет можно просто положить на обычный просветный стол, установить снизу источник света, выбелить, т. е. пересветить им фон, …
New Star Photo
This infographic/cheat sheet from Zippi might be helpful for those looking to get out of auto mode and gaining more control over their cameras. While section 1 is much more for those shooting with film the rest is relevant for digital photography. We’ve included some more further reading on getting out of auto mode and …
Exposure Tutorial Part Three: What is ISO?
ISO cheat sheet via
Free Lightroom Training Series For New Photographers
Want to know the tools to know how to use first in Lightroom? Read here to learn the basic Lightroom tools all new photographers should know!
Basic Composition Rules by lucuella on DeviantArt
If you are an amateur photographer, these simple rules will definitely help you to improve your pictures.
The Basics of Photography: F for Flash - The Phoblographer
The Basics of Photography: F for Flash
Autofocus to Prevent Blurry Photos : How To Guide
Low-light photography simplified
8 Seriously Useful Cheat Sheets for Every Photographer
15 seriously useful cheat sheets for every photographer
How Big Can You Print with Your Camera's Megapixels? - Improve Photography
How Big Can You Print with Your Camera's Megapixels? [CHART] — #Photography via @improvephoto
Home - Designzzz
This infographic gives you 100 photography tips for making different types of photos or taking better pictures in general.
Finding A Job.
How to Use a Lightbox – Simple Tips to get the Most Out Of Your Lightbox