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Eye Color Breakdown Guide | UPMC HealthBeat
The origins and genetic makeup associated with eye color makes the color of one's eye more complex than a simple collection of aesthetic traits. Discover interesting facts behind the color of your eyes.
Zones of the ocean
5 depth zones have been identified in the ocean. Life is most abundant in the uppermost ‘euphotic’ layer, where photosynthesis occurs. The mesopelagic is practically dark, and many creatures hide here during the day. The bathypelagic zone begins at 1,000 metres, where the pressure is nearly 100 times greater than at the surface. Below that lies the abyssopelagic zone,down to the sea floor-except where ocean trenches cut through the sea bed, creating what is called a hadopelagic zone
52 types of wood and the trees they come from | Woodworking Network
Familiarity with #tree types and #wood grain is one of the most important skills of #woodworking.
Gigantes marinos, pero no tan monstruosos
Gigantes marinos, pero no tan monstruosos | Ciencia | EL PAÍS
Dios: Una hipótesis que se puede poner a prueba
A sus 79 años el autor de más de trece libros y quien fuera miembro del comité de la organización Comité para la investigación escéptica,...
Portfolio of the week - Gabriel Gianordoli - Visualoop
Portfolio of the week - Gabriel Gianordoli - Visualoop