DIY & Craft Ideas

694 Pins
Decostore - Casa & Decoração | Qualidade e design de verdade
DIY com Cortiça - 10 Projetos de Faça Você Mesmo - How To Do - Como Fazer - Cortiça - DIY Baratos - DIY Fáceis - DIY Home Decor - Projects - Painél de Cortiça - Painél de Recados - Porta Recado - Painél de Fotos - #Blog Decostore
Wenn Buch basteln - 8 kreative Ideen | mydays magazin
Dein Lieblingsmensch hat bald Geburtstag und du möchtest Ihm ein ganz besonderes Geschenk machen? Bastele ein Wenn Buch für ihn, denn damit schenkst Du viele einzigartige Momente und Erinnerungen. Mehr dazu im mydays Magazin. DIY | geschenke
Triple Scan Baby Boy Personalised Photo Frame 20 x 8 White
Triple baby scan and 'My first photo' - personalise with a name for new baby boy.
DIY Painted Wood Block Nursery Art
this is for a nursery but I would so use this for my own room!--DIY nursery art on
Craftaholics Anonymous® | How to Make a Rag Rug tutorial
How to make a rag rug! Super easy technique....easy to personalize & super cute for kids rooms and bathrooms. Great idea for Christmas gift for my kids!!! :-)
Vintage Fan
Restore antique appliances with Vintage Decor Paint and Wax from #marthastewartcrafts #madaboutcolor
DIY Schlüsselanhänger mit Holzperlen selber machen / Geschenkidee zum Einzug: Brot & Salz - Nicest Things
* Nicest Things: Brot, Salz & DIY Schlüsselanhänger - 12 GOLD Gastgeschenketipps