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Hubble Finds Supernova Companion Star after Two Decades of Searching - NASA
Hubble Finds Supernova Companion Star after Two Decades of Searching | NASA
NASA's Spitzer Images Out-of-This-World Galaxy — Astronomy news
Astronomy news: NASA's Spitzer Images Out-of-This-World Galaxy The galaxy, called NGC 1097, is located 50 million light-years away. It is spiral-shaped like our Milky Way, with long, spindly arms of stars. The "eye" at the center of the galaxy is actually a monstrous black hole surrounded by a ring of stars. In this color-coded infrared view from Spitzer, the area around the invisible black hole is blue and the ring of stars, white.
The Pleiades. The left of Orion's Belt tips down and points to Sirius, a very bright blue star easily seen in the night sky without the aid of a telescope. The right side of the Belt points up. If you follow it, you will find the beautiful Pleides pictured here. Of course, the strength of your scope will determine how much of this amazing group you will see clearly.
An aurora borealis seen from the International Space Station
An aurora borealis seen from the International Space Station