86 Pins
Krippe Weihnachtskrippe Holz A braun geflammt LED Varianten Krippenstall Figuren • EUR 129,99
Candy Apples
Popsicle Stick House | Step-by-Step | DIY Craft How To’s and Instructions| Martha Stewart
Julie's dolls house blog
Could stucco a cardboard box with paper mache and put tiny stones (like from aquarium) in modge podge and paint it on
Chapel Dolls House Kit Building and Decorating Project Review by Bromley Craft Products
Chapel Dolls House Kit 1:24 scale
Animal Prints
blah to TADA!: Animal Prints... Old makeup powders (eyeshadow, blush, foundation, etc) mixed in some glue!
CuteRoom A-016 Time Travel DIY Wooden Dollhouse Miniature Kit Doll house LED Music Voice Control
Cuteroom DIY Wooden Dollhouse Miniature Kit Doll house LED+Music+Voice Control Sale - Banggood Mobile