
31 Pins
·Last updated 7mo
an image of a cartoon character talking on the phone with a speech bubble above his head
two mosquitos are talking to each other in front of a speech bubble that says kahnmepa
Δημοσίευση στο Instagram από @arkas.official • 11 Ιούλ, 2019 στις 3:28 πμ UTC
a cartoon image of a rock wall with a sign that says karmion
an image of a cartoon character cooking food
a cartoon character sitting on the ground in front of a yellow background with words above it
a cartoon girl with her hands in the air and an empty speech bubble above her head
a cartoon turkey with a thought bubble above it's head that says kadyepa
a cartoon boy sitting on a green couch with a speech bubble above his head that says karmijepa ax matiea giyi