Preppy Home Style

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the ladies opted to play tennis .. X ღɱɧღ || anoblesavage: “ ART DIRECTION & PHOTOGRAPHY BY Ali of A NOBLE SAVAGE ”
Blazer // Gant Oxford // Ralph Lauren Scarf //�Boston Brother�s Rugby Dress // Gant ...
Blazer // Gant Oxford // Ralph Lauren Scarf // Boston Brother’s Rugby Dress // Gant Tie // Ralph Lauren Tights // Falke Watch // Seiko with Turnout Strap
Kentucky: Historic Houses and Horse Farms
Photo Credit: Pieter Estersohn. Iroquois Hunt ClubLexingtonTrophies from the Lexington Kennel Club.
College Post #2 – Getting into Ivy Leagues (and other selective colleges)
Here's the 2nd official college-themed post to discuss admissions to Ivy League and other harder-to-get-into universities.
Dartmouth Admissions
Founded in 1769, Dartmouth College's is located in New Hampshire. Their motto is "Vox clamantis in deserto." In Latin: A voice calling in the desert.
Harvard and M.I.T. Team Up to Offer Free Online Courses (Published 2012)
NYT: Ivy League offering free online courses for "cert of mastery" but not academic credit.