ˆtaftarˆ - graphic, design & illustration

/ This is my digital stuff. No pin has a link, so if you click successivily on it, you just get the full-sized image. // / Digital δημιουργίες. Καμία εικόνα δεν έχει link και πατώντας διαδοχικά βλέπετε την εικόνα σε κανονικό μέγεθος. //
34 Pins
This came from a cool winter morning shot around the port #rethimno #rethymnon
This is what i came up with many hours after thinking: why don't i create a nice, fast and easy facebook cover image?
Love will Tear Us Apart Single Cover - taftar .
Check out new work on my @Behance portfolio: "Love will Tear Us Apart Single Cover" http://be.net/gallery/32290629/Love-will-Tear-Us-Apart-Single-Cover
/ Magazine cover & editorial. // / Εξώφυλλο και editorial περιοδικού. //
/ Joy Division - Love will tear us apart single covers. //
/ Logo mockups for Detail Pro. //