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35 Pins
Inspiration of the Week: Camel Colour - WhatKumquat
pinterest: chandlerjocleve instagram: chandlercleveland
Luxury fashion & independent designers | SSENSE
A fashion look from May 2013 featuring Toast sweaters, J Brand jeans и John Fluevog ankle booties. Browse and shop related looks.
Luxury fashion & independent designers | SSENSE
Long cardigans... not the glasses. Different style cardigan :) everything else is on point though!
Luxury fashion & independent designers | SSENSE
"Untitled #134" by yasmin-louise ❤ liked on Polyvore featuring Something Else, Dr. Martens, Levi's and The Row
Luxury fashion & independent designers | SSENSE
Outfit #1 - Black Sweater [Tuck-in] - Cream Floral Skirt - Black Leggings - Black Boots - Beige Infinity Scarf
22 Oversized Sweater Ideas
22 Oversized Sweater Ideas 2015 #sweaterideas #OversizedSweaters
Champagne Plain Hollow-out Round Neck Acrylic Sweater
Champagne Plain Hollow-out Round Neck Acrylic Sweater