Otaku ●~●

130 Pins
(@weebs_nation) no Instagram: “This how i shall confess to my fellow otaku Follow:@weebs_nation for more anime related content .…”
Unless you go to Hot Topic, but my parents would probably NEVER let me into a place like that! XD
#otakuissues | Untitled
I did this with OHSHC, then I wanted to throw the laptop when i finally did watch it. (T-T)
Otaku Issues: Photo
No. You go sit down at your computer and watch. There is no way to describe the sheer, mind-blowing awesomeness that is like nature's orgasm. In other words, anime.
Otaku issues actually its more like other peoples cats i don't own a neko.....
Otaku Problems
This is otaku issue #2, otaku issue #1 is that fictional characters aren't real. A cruel cruel truth that make me cry. Then there's the problem of not having any money due to your obsession.
#otakuissues | Untitled
Otaku Issue
But being too busy (watching anime) to do anything about it. Wish i was that strong so i could kick the ass of anyone who makes fun of me.
Otaku Issues: Photo
A guy in my class yesterday asked me "So since you watch anime, you speak Asian?" I have never faceplamed harder in my entire life.
True, true. Part of what makes it entertain. Sometimes it almost seems like an actual show xp