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'Binding of a liturgical book, Byzantine, probably 9th century' Photographic Print - Werner Forman | Art.com
Secret Chamber of the Kremlin
Secret Chamber of the Kremlin - Neatorama
Подарочная книга - Русские святые жизнь и деяния. Оклад - автор - Саломакин О.Н. Вставки: резные иконы, материал - бивень мамонта. Обрамление: золоченое серебро 999 и 925 пробы, золото 750 пробы, драгоценные и полудрагоценные камни - изумруды, сапфиры, рубины, шпинели, турмалины, гранаты, аквамарины, топазы и др. Ювелирные работы : Мороз С. Саломакин О. Переплёт: натуральная кожа.
Revel in These Beautiful, Bejeweled Medieval Books
Silver-gilt cover with ivory, <em>Sacramentary of Frontale</em>, c. 1050.
Lindau Gospel book, 9th Century, New York, Pierpont Morgan Library
Ένα γράμμα στο Θεό, λίγο πριν φύγει η ημέρα που προσκυνήσαμε το Σταυρό
ταραΝΑΚΟΥνηματα: Ένα γράμμα στο Θεό, λίγο πριν φύγει η ημέρα που πρ...
Jewels of the Romanovs Church Treasures - Gospels
Altar Book of Gospels decorated with images of the four Evangelists; from the top left corner, moving clockwise, we see the Apostles, Saints. John, Matthew, Mark and Luke, printed in Moscow in 1703. Binding Russian, early 18th Century. In the center is the representation of the "Deesis" - or intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, and St. John the Baptist before Christ enthroned. Yaroslavl State Museum-Preserve.
Book Cover Plaque with Christ in Majesty | Work of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Book Cover Plaque with Christ in Majesty, ca. 1185–1210 French; Made in Limoges Gilded copper and champlevé enamel 10 7/8 x 5 5/8 in. (27.5 x 14.2 cm) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917 (17.190.757) The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Церковное убранство.'s photos – 11,568 photos
Церковное убранство.'s photos
Evangelia quattuor [Evangiles dits de Saint-Denis].
Evangelia quattuor [Evangiles dits de Saint-Denis]. Date d'édition : 0780-0800 Type : manuscrit Langue : latin
Beautiful Antique book covers - Beauty will save
Ancient book cover of Book of the Gospels, the images symbolize Sts Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Beautiful Antique book covers - Beauty will save
Ancient book cover of Book of the Gospels, the images symbolize Sts Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.