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Major Triad Arpeggios: 5 patterns
Major Triad Arpeggios: 5 patterns | Discover Guitar Online, Learn to Play Guitar More
Bass Clef Sight-Reading Exercise Worksheet
Bass Clef Sight Reading Exercise Worksheet
Whenever I hear people say classical music is boring I just want to remind them that Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture called for a cannon to be fired for a total of 16 times
20 Jokes Only Musicians Will Understand
Continued #2- even if I like a guy artistically or even personally, I'd be afraid he'd want to put everyone else on....I might of known thousands of artists...so passing on a couple hundred was never out of question for me. In other circles I traveled in both the talent and the passion was a lot more concentrated. For me it wasn't just talent,..no one starts out like Mozart, it was a person's effort...
Songwriting Tip | Modern Songstress